It's ALL our JOB to Save US and this PLANET and as Lead Agency we collaborate to bring Resources to All Missions because Community is an Eco-System and all Mission are connected to approve the community
Founder Dr. Kathy L. Tatum of Collaborating Voices Foundation
Collaborating Voices Foundation
CVF Philosophical Statements: We believe, (1) In the right of all persons to self-determination and a life without fear of abuse, oppression, or violence. (2) In supporting autonomous, community-based efforts and collaborations to end domestic violence. (3) That domestic violence services should be available to all survivors regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, age, criminal history, ability, religion, sexual orientation, or economic status. (4) That survivors and their allies working together have a greater impact in changing societal attitudes and responses to domestic violence. (5) In supporting the leadership and success of women and survivors in our society. (6) In supporting men’s mobilization in ending men’s violence against women and others. (7) That individuals who are abusive must be held legally and ethically accountable for their actions by friends, family, co-workers, and communities in both the public and private sectors. (8) In advocating for the rights of children and youth who survive violence in their environments. (9) Our work should be guided by the experience of all survivors of domestic violence. (10) In supporting and creating access to safety, justice, and opportunity for all survivors of domestic violence. (11) That in order to fully advocate for survivors of domestic violence we must also work to end other forms of power and control such as sexism, racism, homophobia, and economic injustice. (12) Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. (13) Safe homes and safe families are the foundation of a safe society. (14) juvenile mentorship (15) providing affordable health care (16) supplies for veterans services (17) Bridget the Gap with a community and law enforcement (18) senior citizens supplies and resources (19) lead agencies for other non-profits (20) Resource hub provides furniture, mattresses, recliners, clothes, shoes, housewares (21) School resource closets, after school sports and performing arts clothes, shoes, uniforms, travel, food (22) Veteran Resources and Outreach We do hereby certify that we agree with the CVF Mission and Philosophy Statement and that our organization’s mission statement and philosophy statement are not in direct opposition to CVF’s Mission Statement and Philosophy Statement. |